ESEC/FSE 2022 (series) / Domenico Bianculli

Registered user since Tue 14 Nov 2017
Name:Domenico Bianculli
Domenico Bianculli is associate professor/chief scientist 2 at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg. He holds a PhD degree from University of Lugano (Switzerland), a MSc in Computing Systems Engineering and a BSc in Computer Engineering, both from Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Domenico’s research focuses on the specification and verification of evolvable software systems. His research interests include: trace checking and run-time verification of temporal properties, modeling and enforcing of access control policies, program analysis for security, incremental verification techniques, and verification of service-oriented systems.
Affiliation:University of Luxembourg
Personal website:
Research interests:software engineering, trace checking and run-time verification, temporal specification languages, model-driven engineering, access control, security analysis, service-based applications
- Session Chair of ESEC/FSE 21 - Dependability (part of ESEC/FSE 2021)
- Session Chair of Invited Tutorial - Zhi Jin (part of Plenary Events)
- Chair in Program Committee within the Tutorials-track
- A Machine Learning Approach for Automated Filling of Categorical Fields in Data Entry Forms
- Tutorials Chair in Organizing Committee
ESEC/FSE 2022-profile
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