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Mon 14 - Fri 18 November 2022 Singapore

Ada Workshop

Named after the first computer programmer Ada Lovelace, the Ada Workshop was initiated in 2016 to encourage and nurture female university students (including bachelor, master, and PhD students) to pursue a core-tech position in computer science, such as an engineer or researcher, in their future career.

For more information, please see:


AI-assisted Code Companion Workshop

In this workshop, you are going to build a full-fledged, event-driven, serverless application for image recognition using AI-powered coding companion. With the aid of Amazon CodeWhisperer, you’ll write your own code that runs on top of AWS Lambda to interact with Amazon Rekognition, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, Amazon S3, third-party HTTP APIs to perform image recognition. The users can interact with the application by either sending the URL of an image for processing, or by listing the images and the objects present on each image.

Also see: https://2022.esec-fse.org/home/aiaccws-2022