Registered user since Wed 1 Nov 2017
I am the Director of the Software Engineering Application Technology Lab at Huawei, China. Prior to joining Huawei, I was an ARC DECRA Fellow and a lecturer (equivalent to U.S. assistant professor) at the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia, from 2018 to 2021. I got my Ph.D degree in June 2014 from the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, China. I was very fortunate to work under the supervision of Prof. Xiaohu Yang and Prof. Jianling Sun. From July 2012 to January 2014, I was a visiting student of Prof. David Lo in Singapore Management University.
To help developers and testers improve their productivity, my current research focuses on data science for software engineering, i.e., mining and analyzing rich data in software repositories to uncover interesting and actionable information. I have employed and customized structured and unstructured data analytics techniques – including data mining, information retrieval, natural language processing, search-based algorithms, and program analysis – to transform passive software engineering data into automated tools and new insights.
- Characterizing Search Activities on Stack Overflow
- Are We Building on the Rock? On the Importance of Data Preprocessing for Code Summarization
- Automated Unearthing of Dangerous Issue Reports
- The Best of Both Worlds: Integrating Semantic Features with Expert Features for Defect Prediction and Localization
- What Motivates Software Practitioners to Contribute to Inner Source?
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Industry Paper-track
- CodeMatcher: A Tool for Large-Scale Code Search Based on Query Semantics Matching
- How to Better Utilize Code Graphs in Semantic Code Search?
- Making Python Code Idiomatic by Automatic Refactoring Non-idiomatic Python Code with Pythonic Idioms
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